Emblem Air Force Non-Commissioned Officer School

Air Force Non-Commissioned Officer School

The Air Force Non-Commissioned Officer School (AFNCOSCH) is responsible for the general military training and follow-on training of all non-commissioned officers in Air Force uniform (with the exception of the Medical Service).


The Air Force Non-Commissioned Officer School (AFNCOSCH) is responsible for the general military training and follow-on training of all non-commissioned officers in Air Force uniform (with the exception of the Medical Service).

Using modern methods of adult education, the school provides up-to-date initial and follow-on training to future specialist and executive personnel. In the process, technology-supported training and competence orientation are increasingly gaining ground. This includes the use of laptops in training, the advancement of on-duty and off-duty Internet use and the new establishment of a firing simulator at the Appen garrison. Training topics and processes are continuously evaluated and optimized in order to keep training on the cutting edge.


  • Colonel Dietmar Hinze

    Colonel Dietmar Hinze


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