Emblem 71 Tactical Air Wing Richthofen

71 Tactical Air Wing Richthofen

71 Tactical Air Wing in Wittmund is located in Lower Saxony and is one of the Luftwaffe's four Eurofighter bases. In addition, the Northern Alert Wing is stationed there.


With its Eurofighter weapon system, 71 Tactical Air Wing Richthofen provides a Quick Reaction Alert (QRAQuick Reaction Alert) element at its home base in Wittmund.

Providing this element constitutes a contribution both to NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Integrated Air Defense and to securing German airspace as a standing operational task of the Air Force in times of peace. Together with other Eurofighter units of the Air Force, the Wing also provides forces to secure NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) airspace at locations outside Germany on a temporary basis.


  • Colonel Björn Andersen

    Colonel Colonel Andersen


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