Emblem European Air Transport Command

European Air Transport Command

German senior officer and German shares in European Air Transport Command


Within the framework of pooling and sharing multinational resources, the European Air Transport Command (EATC European Air Transport Command) plans, coordinates and controls air transport, air refueling and aeromedical evacuation operations of all participating partner nations. By combining flights and thus avoiding parallel and empty flights, the EATC European Air Transport Command (European Air Transport Command) enables the partner nations to achieve optimum utilization of their aircraft.

Furthermore, the EATC European Air Transport Command (European Air Transport Command) harmonizes and frames training and operations regulations for flight operations and transfer on the ground applicable to international military air transport. The EATC European Air Transport Command (European Air Transport Command) thus has an influence on the future development of military air transport in Europe, also in cooperation with European agencies such as the European Defence Agency (EDAEuropäische Verteidigungsagentur).

10th anniversary logo

10th anniversary logo

European Air Transport Command


  • Colonel i. G. Guido Henrich

    Colonel i. G. Guido Henrich


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