
A400M cargo part task trainer - materiel for operations is saved

A400M cargo part task trainer - materiel for operations is saved

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Bei manchen Mobilgeräten und Browsern funktioniert die Sprachausgabe nicht korrekt, sodass wir Ihnen diese Funktion leider nicht anbieten können.

In February 2023, BAAINBwBundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr handed over a true-to-life cargo part task trainer for the Airbus A400M transport aircraft to the Airborne Operations/Air Transport School in Altenstadt, Bavaria. The delivery of a second trainer to Air Transport Wing 62 in Wunstorf is planned for June 2023.

Aircraft fuselage-shaped simulator

The cargo part task trainer can be used for training irrespective of external influences

Bundeswehr/Christian Reichard

The cargo part task trainer (CPTTCargo Part Task Trainer) in Altenstadt will primarily be used for training paratroopers and air cargo transshipment personnel. In Wunstorf, it will be used for training load masters and as a procedural trainer.

New trainer for new transport aircraft 

With the new simulator, extensive mission-related exercises can now be conducted in Altenstadt without the training participants having to be in the air. This includes, for instance, dropping paratroopers or carrying out emergency drops of paratroopers.

Aircraft fuselage-shaped simulator with open loading ramp

Inside the cargo part task trainer, the conditions are the same as inside the transport aircraft.

Bundeswehr/ Christian Reichard

So far, the soldiers at the Airborne Operations/Air Transport School have been trained for this using the Transall trainer.

But even before this aircraft type reached the end of its service life in the Bundeswehr in 2021, it was replaced step by step by the Airbus A400M from 2014 onward. Of course, the inside of an A400M is not the same as that of a Transall. Nevertheless, every action has to be correct in case of an emergency – this applies to the A400M as well. The required routines must be consolidated in many exercises so that, during a mission, everyone knows the processes by heart. However, this only works if the different scenarios can be practiced with the right aircraft type.

Wunstorf - extended training from June 2023 onward

So far, the technical loadmasters and the entire staff with tasks in the A400M cargo hold of Air Transport Wing 62 have been trained on the Cargo Hold Trainer - Enhanced (CHT-ECargo Hold Trainer – Enhanced). The structure of this trainer is much more detailed than that of the A400M CPTTCargo Part Task Trainer. It also has more functions compared to the CPTTCargo Part Task Trainer. That is why the CHT-ECargo Hold Trainer – Enhanced can cover a considerable amount of training contents already today.

Nevertheless, Wunstorf will also receive a simulator of the new type. In future, this simulator will be used for the development and definition of procedures and processes and, in addition, it will allow loading significantly larger loads and tonnages.

View into the simulator cargo hold

Enough space for larger loads - just like in the A400M

Bundeswehr/ Christian Reichard

The CPTTCargo Part Task Trainer in Wunstorf will allow the physical handling of loads and cargo that are similar to deadweight capacity of the A400M.

Flexible and independent

Using simulators like the full-scale CPTTCargo Part Task Trainer does not only save mission aircraft. Training can also be carried out in a flexible manner and independently of external influences.

In this case, flexible means that weather forecasts and the consideration of light conditions are no longer part of the curriculum when working with the simulator. This independence increases training opportunities and ultimately contributes to enhancing the capabilities of training participants.

Add to that another advantage: The cargo hold can be adapted to the individual needs at any time, using different training scenarios. Like this, conditions are created that are as realistic as possible, both for simulations on the ground and in the air.

One project - two cargo part task trainers

The technical branch at BAAINBwBundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr responsible for the in-service use management of A400M had coordinated the respective requirements with the users in advance. As a result, two individually adapted A400M CPTTCargo Part Task Trainer were procured by BAAINBwBundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr.

With a total order volume of 33 million euros for both cargo part task trainers and a delivery time of about two years, two objectives set in advance were reached.

Bei manchen Mobilgeräten und Browsern funktioniert die Sprachausgabe nicht korrekt, sodass wir Ihnen diese Funktion leider nicht anbieten können.