The mobile field kitchen can produce hot meals even at the Arctic Circle

The mobile field kitchen can produce hot meals even at the Arctic Circle

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Bei manchen Mobilgeräten und Browsern funktioniert die Sprachausgabe nicht korrekt, sodass wir Ihnen diese Funktion leider nicht anbieten können.

On 24 March 2020, the contract for the “Mobile Field Kitchen” project was signed. Meanwhile testing has been progressing rapidly.

Two green containers and one white container in front of trees, a car standing next to them

The setup for testing the mobile field kitchen at extremely cold temperatures


Subsequent to the delivery of the first system to the Bundeswehr Logistics School, the test team was trained on the system, and initial technical-logistic parts of the integrated compliance demonstration were carried out. This serves the purpose of testing the system’s qualification taking all elements of the project into account. The testing is conducted under realistic conditions and is the prerequisite for a later qualification of the field kitchen.

ween 15 January and 4 February 2021, the cold-weather trial component of the tactical operational suitability test is taking place above the Arctic Circle near Overbygd in the north of Norway. There, the temperatures frequently drop below freezing point for longer durations. Temperatures of below -25° C have been measured.

A testing team comprising experts from many areas

Olive-green containers in front of trees and a bright light in a dark sky

A special moment for the entire team. The northern lights will be remembered by everyone


No testing can be carried out without experts. The team of 15 is therefore composed of members of different departments. Apart from the project management from Branch U3.1 at BAAINBwBundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr, members of the Bundeswehr Logistics School in Garlstedt and Plön, the Land Systems Engineering Training Center in Aachen and the 2nd and 7th companies of 164 Special Engineer Regiment in Husum are taking part.

The veterinary surgeon from the Bundeswehr Medical Service in Koblenz contributes her expertise in the field of food hygiene.

Problem-free operation of the kitchen after freeze-through

Two green containers on snow-covered ground. A man is standing in front of them.

The field kitchen only needs a few finishing touches - then it will be complete


In spite of tighter Covid-19 restrictions in the Norwegian armed forces and the agencies in charge, the testing is being conducted according to plan. The mobile field kitchen was unloaded and set up once the containers with their own lifting support system had arrived. After an initial functional test of the entire equipment, the system was left to “freeze through” until the next morning, of course without filling the drinking water system. This was done to determine whether the system can be operated as intended after being exposed to low temperatures. After the required preparatory work, the drinking water systems were filled with water.

After the complete commissioning of all equipment, the entire daily rations for the 233 Mountain Infantry Battalion from Mittenwald, which was deployed there at the time, could be prepared in the field kitchen without any technical problems. The four operational cycles which are to be performed self-sufficiently within a day and which consist of preparing breakfast, lunch, dinner and a meal at midnight were also completed successfully.

The required self-sufficiency of the field kitchen also at extremely low temperatures was thus demonstrated. The remaining time of the cold weather trials will be used to verify further requirements of the statement of work in detail.

by Thomas Stork

Bei manchen Mobilgeräten und Browsern funktioniert die Sprachausgabe nicht korrekt, sodass wir Ihnen diese Funktion leider nicht anbieten können.

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