Peruvian flair at the BwCSC

Peruvian flair at the BwCSC

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It has been two years since the last GNID. The participants of the IGASOC regularly organise these events at the BwCSC with great dedication. In August 2021, we took a close look at the Republic of Peru.

International soldier filming stage performance with his smartphone

Spectator recording stage presentation with his smartphone

Bundeswehr Command and Staff College/Christian Gelhausen

On that evening, the Republic of Peru presented itself as a modern, growing and innovative country in South America. It is 11,000 kilometres away from Germany and, with 1.3 million square kilometres, about three and a half times the size of the Federal Republic of Germany. The Republic of Peru is not only celebrating 200 years of independence from Spain this year (national holiday since 28 July 1821), but also its stable and proven partnership with Germany. The Defence Ministries of Peru and Germany have been working together for more than 50 years.

On this occasion, his Excellency, Peruvian Ambassador Elmer Schialer Salcedo as well as Naval and Deputy Defence Attaché, Captain (Navy) Arturo Espinoza Landa, also arrived from Berlin for this special GNID. “It was a great pleasure for me to experience the generous hospitality of Germany and the Bundeswehr Command and Staff College. I am firmly convinced that our friendship is deep and at an excellent level. Muchas gracias, Alemania”, said Ambassador Elmer Schialer Salcedo.

Peruvian Ambassador and Naval Attaché talking to IGASOC Course Director at bar table

Peruvian Ambassador, his Excellency, Ambassador Elmer Schialer Salcedo (left) as well as Naval and Deputy Defence Attaché, Captain (Navy) Arturo Espinoza Landa (centre), in conversation with IGASOC Course Director, Colonel Frank Wasgindt

Bundeswehr Command and Staff College/Christian Gelhausen

Yesterday’s participant, today’s military attaché

Captain (Navy) Espinoza Landa, graduate of the 2009 IGASOC at the BwCSC: “It is a great honour for me to be back at the BwCSC. I would like to thank you for the course that I completed here, which has had a great impact on my career as a naval officer. It is a great honour for me to return today as Naval and Deputy Defence Attaché of the Republic of Peru.”

Lieutenant Commander Horruitiner Costa talking to the audience from the podium

Lieutenant Commander Sergio Eduardo Horruitiner Costa, 2021 IGASOC course participant, presenting his home country Peru

Bundeswehr Command and Staff College/Christian Gelhausen

Of Machu Picchu and the potato

Lieutenant Commander Horruitiner Costa from the 2021 IGASOC Navy classroom gave the guests a lively tour of his diverse country. Peru comprises more than 28 of the 32 climate zones in the world, primarily influenced by the Humboldt Current as well as the massive mountain range of the Andes. Lieutenant Commander Horruitiner Costa also presented the magnificent landscapes, such as the rainforest with the Amazon river, the mountain ranges of the Andes, and the 3,000-kilometre-long costal region with its beautiful beaches on the Pacific Ocean. Peru also features one of the new seven wonders of the world, Machu Picchu, the legendary city from the time of the Incas.

Lieutenant Commander Horruitiner Costa was accompanied by his wife, his son and his daughter. His mother, too, had travelled from Peru shortly before to attend her son’s presentation in Hamburg. For this, she was honoured with a bouquet of flowers for the “furthest journey” during the event. The naval officer said “There are many growing, interesting and emerging cities and regions in my country”, adding that incidentally the most important agricultural production sector is the potato. In Peru, there are more than 2,500 different varieties of the tuber. “Just as Germany is a car country, Peru is a potato country” stated Lieutenant Commander Horruitiner Costa.

The naval officer also showed a short video, in which he presented the Peruvian armed forces as a versatile tool of the state. For Peru, the mission of the armed forces entails the defence of sovereignty along with other tasks, such as the fight against illegal mining, illegal fishing, drug trafficking, illegal deforestation, and human trafficking. Yet, the Peruvian armed forces also provide support in the event of natural disasters, ensure security, and provide assistance during pandemics.

Of submarines and sail training ships

Between 1974 and 1975, Peru had procured six German submarines, four of which are currently being modernised. More than 110 years ago, the Peruvian submarine squadron was established. On this occasion, three Peruvian submarine officers, who are currently being trained, were welcomed among the audience that evening.

In recent years, the Peruvian Navy has built various vessels in its own shipyards. Among them, the new sail training ship “Union”, the largest sail training ship in Latin America and the second largest in the world. With a wink, Lieutenant Commander Horruitiner Costa noted: “The ‘Union‘ is 25 metres longer than the German sail training ship ‘Gorch Fock’ and significantly cheaper!” According to Lieutenant Commander Horruitiner Costa, the most important goals for Peru in the future are to strengthen international relations and to increase exports.

Woman offering Peruvian delicacies at a stall

Experiencing Peru with all your senses: Your taste buds get to taste, too

ndeswehr Command and Staff College/Christian Gelhausen

Deep insights into the South American way of life

The Great National Information Day (GNID) “Republic of Peru” ended with presentations on culture, tradition and music. Not only was the music and dance style “Marinera Norteña” explained, there was also a live performance. At the subsequent reception featuring Peruvian food and beverages, such as the national beverage “Pisco Sour”, the guests exchanged views on Peruvian arts. This could of course not be done without the traditional Peruvian attire made of alpaca wool. This extraordinary Great National Information Day was concluded to the sounds of a Peruvian music group.

Peruvian playing a piece of music on a flute

Live music allowed GNID guests to immerse themselves in the Peruvian way of life

Bundeswehr Command and Staff College/Christian Gelhausen
by Ines Blandau  email

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