Insignia of German Navy Flotilla 1

Naval base commands of Flotilla 1

The naval base commands are the Fleet’s logistic hub in charge of naval base operations.

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The naval base commands are in charge of the Navy vessels’ home ports and their logistics. Flotilla 1 and its units are based in Kiel, Eckernförde and Warnemünde.

The naval bases’ daily operations are managed by the respective naval base commands. While Kiel Naval Base Command uses its own tugboats to render assistance to large vessels during berthing and unberthing, the other two naval base commands rent civilian tugboats for that purpose.

Acting as comprehensive service providers, the Flotilla 1 naval base commands coordinate the continuous resupply of the vessels homeported at the three bases. Above all, this includes the ability to deliver fuels, lubricants, spare parts, consumables, ammunition, food, and mail to each and every port of the world.

Operational support is organised differently: responsibility for missions abroad  is shared by the four naval bases, including Wilhelmshaven, and depends on the class of ship deployed in the specific operation. This type of organisation is designed to support long-term operations, including multiple joint and combined operations, concurrently and without geographical restrictions.



Badge Kiel Naval Base

Kiel Naval Base Command

Badge Warnemünde Naval Base

Warnemünde Naval Base Command

Badge Eckernförde Naval Base

Eckernförde Naval Base Command

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