Insignia of German Navy Flotilla 2

Flotilla 2

The largest ships in the fleet are grouped together in this formation: frigates, joint support ships and fleet tankers.


Flotilla 2 – in German “Einsatzflottille”, literally operational flotilla – is one of the three major formations of the German Navy. It comprises the frigates, replenishment ships and fleet tankers of the Navy. These large workhorses of the fleet and their crews shoulder an important part of the maritime operations of the Bundeswehr. With their capabilities, they secure long-term, worldwide maritime missions.

The frigates are combat ships. They have the capabilities to monitor sea areas, hunt submarines, fight other warships and repel aerial attacks on themselves or their formations at sea. That is the core competence of the Navy for national and alliance defence.

The supply vessels ensure the sea endurance required for this. The replenishment ships and fleet tankers supply the combat ships with all the necessary materials and consumables in far-off sea areas.

Ships for the alliance and for global use

This means that the ships of Flotilla 2 have extensive capabilities, also to ensure free and unimpeded use of the sea. This already includes the fight against international terrorism in the Mediterranean or against piracy in the Arabian Sea. Not only the frigates, but also the supply ships are employed for this. In addition to such missions, the flotilla provides ships for two of the four NATO maritime task groups.

The staff of the flotilla is responsible for making their ships available to the Bundeswehr and keeping them ready for action. Above all, this means training, planning and organization – with the corresponding responsibility for all of the formation’s personnel and material. Around 4,000 sailors and civil employees are part of Flotilla 2 and its squadrons.



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