Badge 4 Frigate Squadron

4 Frigate Squadron

4 Frigate Squadron operates the Baden-Württemberg class ships. Their capabilities are primarily needed for stabilisation operations.

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4 Frigate Squadron commands the four Baden-Württemberg class frigates and their crews. This extraordinary type of combat ship is designed for long-term stabilisation operations in crisis areas.

Specifically, the ships are tasked with wide-area maritime surveillance such as during the UNIFILUnited Nations Interim Force in Lebanon mission off the Lebanese coast or NATO’s deployment in the Aegean Sea. During missions of this kind, the Type 125 ships can detect and counter hybrid threats, secure maritime supply routes together with NATO and EU allies, or serve as command platforms for large multinational naval forces.

A multiple crewing concept enables the ships to perform these tasks in theatre for up to two years without having to call at their home port. In general, crew rotation will take place every four months in a safe port in theatre.



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